Learning in One-to-One Laptop Environments

A new report by Dr. Binbin Zheng at Michigan State University reviews 65 journal articles and 31 doctoral dissertations published from January 2001 to May 2015 to examine the effect of one-to-one laptop programs on teaching and learning in K–12 schools. A meta-analysis of 10 studies examines the impact of laptop programs on students’ academic achievement, finding significantly positive average effect sizes in English, writing, mathematics, and science.

CoSN’s 3rd Annual Infrastructure Report

CoSN’s 3rd annual Infrastructure Survey (conducted in partnership with AASA and MDR) asked K-12 school leaders and technology directors from around America about the state of connectivity in their districts and the impact they’ve felt from last year’s changes to the E-rate program. For the third straight year, leaders identified affordability as the primary obstacle to robust connectivity. Download the full survey results for key findings about your peers’ challenges and opportunities.

Open Educational Resources (OER) Stories, Policies, and Resources

The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) presents the second phase of a 2014 initiative designed to explore the state of development and dissemination of OER. In 2015, CCSSO released an update to last year’s OER report, expanding the research to include districts and educators working closely with OER.

E-rate Modernization Resources

SETDA and Common Sense Kids Action developed several resources to support state and local policymakers and digital leaders as they navigate the modernized E-rate program. The goal is to help state and local leaders achieve high-speed connectivity in their jurisdictions and to support the national goal of connecting every classroom and library in America to high-speed internet by 2018.

EdTech Update

SETDA and Aggregage have partnered to publish the EdTech Update. This site and newsletter brings together in one place content from the widest set of industry thought leaders. EdTech Update is responsive and customizable, using what the audience does with the content, both collectively and individually, to deliver the most interesting and relevant content to each reader.

Ensuring the Quality of Digital Content for Learning

This paper, published with Foresight Law and Policy, complements SETDA’s prior digital transition policy briefs by examining strategies for ensuring digital content quality, including exploration of the specific quality-control challenges and opportunities associated with OER.  

State Digital Learning Exemplars

SETDA and the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at NC State University, College of Education co-released this national report. States are striving to support the expansion of technology tools and resources in K-12 education through state policies, programs and funding in order to provide digital learning opportunities for all students.

Navigating the Digital Shift

This report provides details to help educate school and district administrators, policy makers and the private sector on the flexibility of state policies related to the procurement of digital instructional materials.
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