This resource includes a Self-Assessment Checklist for the K-12 Chief Technology Officer, which would be beneficial for districts to review and identify areas of strengths and growth.
The NCLTI Masterplan and mapping documents provided by the Friday Institute can assist technology planning teams in building broad-based support for defining and disseminating the vision, goals, rationale and principles for the initiative.
K-12 schools around the globe are piloting e-portfolio programs that allow students to showcase work, apply real-world skills, and track learning outcomes as they prepare for college and a career. This guide focuses on student-owned e-portfolios in the K-12 setting however, the same principles can be applied to teacher portfolios. Its purpose is to provide an introduction to e-portfolios and to explore how e-portfolios can be used throughout K-12 education.
This paper reviews three popular PLNs created for educators—Edmodo, Classroom 2.0, and The Educator’s PLN—and provides an analysis of how teachers use the PLNs for learning, sharing, and communicating.
This report provides an overview of professional learning and includes examples of formal and informal professional learning opportunities with some research regarding the effectiveness of self-directed learning opportunities.