Technology Integration Matrix

The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) illustrates how teachers can use technology to enhance learning for K-12 students. The TIM system includes a variety of different data collection tools designed to inform decision-making and alignment of resources at the classroom, school, and district levels. Arizona has also adopted the TIM as a tool for their districts.

CCSSO’s Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium Learning Progressions (InTASC)

The efforts of InTASC have helped to describe the new vision of teaching needed for today’s learners and what strategies teachers can employ to improve their practice both individually and collectively. inTASC specifically addresses the need for teachers to be able to personalize instruction through digital learning and how teachers should develop expertise in applying technology to support learning (p23), integrate technology into their planning (p35) and participate in professional learning opportunities that support digital learning (p35).

National Education Technology Plan 2010 (NETP)

Teaching: Prepare and Connect Chapter (39-50). This section of the NETP provides an overview of the need to provide on-going professional learning opportunities to both instructional and non-instructional staff members.

Professional Learning in a Digital Age

This resource shows the changes in the professional learning field as related to what, how and when teachers learn, including important considerations of emerging models such as personalized learning networks, online learning opportunities and coaching.

Standards for Professional Learning Resources

Professional learning that increases educator effectiveness for all students requires prioritizing, monitoring, and coordinating resources for educator learning. The Learning Forward Standards are general standards for professional learning across K12 that highlight the importance of sustainable, ongoing, job-embedded professional learning opportunities.
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