Technology is an essential component of learning today. With digital applications, tools and resources, students can create content, interact with experts, collaborate with peers and participate in simulation activities. Personalized experiences put students at the center of learning and empowers students to take control of their own learning through flexibility and choice. With this transformation to digital learning, it is important for stakeholders share the importance of moving towards digital learning with constituents, as well as address some of the concerns that occur during the transformation. This section provides communication toolkits for a variety of stakeholders. We encourage states and districts to share these toolkits widely. Each toolkit includes a 3-5 page narrative, a powerpoint presentation, and a communications packet.
  • Business Community
  • CIO
  • Librarians
  • Parents
  • Principals
  • School Board
  • Students Superintendents
  • Teacher Prep
  • Teachers
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