It’s Not the Device; It’s What the Device Can Do

Devices for eduction have become symbolic of the efforts to transform education through blended and personalized learning. Desktops, laptops and tablets are quickly becoming ubiquitous in education. They are tangible examples of change and, with the exception of few dazzling products, nearly indistinguishable

P21’s Exemplar Case Studies

This Partnership for 21st Century Skills resource highlights best practices in schools and districts across the country that are preparing students for college, career and citizenship by embedding critical 21st century competencies into the learning environment.

NASBE’s Report: Born in Another Time

This report addresses how our digital age has affected the learning needs of today’s students, and how state boards of education and policymakers can ensure that their schools are fully prepared to address the impact of rapid technological change on the fundamental processes of teaching and learning.

Knowledge Works: Innovating Toward a Vibrant Learning Ecosystem

The innovation pathways framework is designed to help education stakeholders — including those who are stewarding the current education system and those who are working in other kinds of learning environments or innovating on the fringes of the current learning landscape — become active agents of change in creating the future. –    

ED’s Funding Digital Learning

This resource provides some guidance for states and districts regarding updating technology resources. Before major technology purchases, leaders will want to consider an approach and define a goal that makes sense for the particular region.

CoSN Empowered Superintendent Toolkit

Version 3.0 of the Empowered Superintendent Toolkit guides leaders through ed tech’s challenges. This is a CoSN initiative dedicated to helping superintendents, aspiring superintendents and district leadership teams build their knowledge, skills and confidence as technology leaders.
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