A team comprised of students who were trained, and also train other students, to help provide technology support, provides Kuna’s tier one tech support.
This resource includes a Self-Assessment Checklist for the K-12 Chief Technology Officer, which would be beneficial for districts to review and identify areas of strengths and growth.
TechSETS provides training, tools and information to assist the growing number of school professionals who are responsible for planning, building, maintaining and using technology systems in education.
This webpage provides the research findings from Project RED’s 2010 large-scale national study to identify and prioritize the factors that make some U.S. K-12 technology implementations perform dramatically better than others.
The NCLTI Masterplan and mapping documents provided by the Friday Institute can assist technology planning teams in building broad-based support for defining and disseminating the vision, goals, rationale and principles for the initiative.
This is a national research and advisory institute that reports on the current trends and policy efforts that guide educational technology in the US. By describing how school districts, schools, and individual teachers can work together to modernize the learning environment, these reports can be helpful for identifying key strategies to be included during planning and implementation.
The Digital Learning Rubric provides a means for district or school leadership teams to engage in a process of self-reflection and discussion in order to establish a shared vision for digital learning initiatives. Its intended purpose is to assist in assessing needs and setting goals for the use of technology in the classroom to support student achievement.