Summary of the E-rate Modernization Order

This summary of the E-rate modernization order describes the new goals for the program and then summarizes the actions that the order has taken to enable the E-rate program to progress toward those goals.

Digital Badge Systems: The Promise and Potential

Digital Badge Systems offers several policy recommendations for introducing digital badge programs to a greater number of school districts. The report also recommends safeguards at the state level to ensure competency-based learning does not lead to at-risk students falling behind their peers and widening of achievement gaps.

ISTE Standards

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) developed the ISTE Standards (formerly known as the NETS) for learning, teaching and leading in the digital age. Included in the standards are ISTE Standards for Teachers (ISTE Standards•T) and ISTE Standards for Administrators (ISTE Standards•A). These standards provide details related to evaluating the skills and knowledge educators need to teach, work and learn in an increasingly connected global and digital society.

Digital Textbook Playbook

The Digital Textbook Playbook is a guide to help K-12 educators and administrators advance the conversation toward building a rich digital learning experience.
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